The HydraSleeve “No-Purge” Groundwater Sampler

The HydraSleeve makes groundwater sampling a simple, three-step operation that is more effective than pumping or bailing, and can cut field sampling cost and your carbon footprint by 50 to 80%.

The low-cost, disposable HydraSleeve captures a "core" of water from any discrete interval in the screened portion of the well with no change in water level and minimal disturbance to the water column.

The HydraSleeve is sealed except during sample collection, then re-seals itself, assuring that a formation quality sample is recovered.

The low-profile HydraSleeve can be fabricated in various sizes to match well and sampling requirements.
View the detailed
Standard Operating Procedures for HydraSleeve.

Why HydraSleeve?


  • Collects samples in less than 15 minutes
  • Cuts total field time by half or more
  • No equipment setup or decontamination between wells

Cost Savings

  • Reduces field sampling costs by 50 - 80%
  • No purge water disposal
  • No expensive equipment
  • Cuts total field time by half or more

Ease of Use

  • No training or special tools required
  • Small, convenient and simple shipping


  • Sample for ALL compounds
  • Minimal equipment needed
  • Largest sample volume of any passive sampler
  • Repeatable sampling method
  • Lower risk of turbidity bias than purge and sample techniques
  • Effective for for slow recharge wells

Multiple Applications

  • Long- or short-term groundwater monitoring
  • Remediation performance monitoring at contaminated sites
  • Solid Waste detection monitoring programs
  • Groundwater or pit lake sampling at mines
  • Oil & Gas sites and UST contamination monitoring

HydraSleeve Videos

Independent Studies

Case Studies and Technical Papers

In study after study the HydraSleeve (U.S. Patent No. 6,481,300; No. 6,837,120; No. 9,726,013; others pending) outperforms other methods of sampling technology. The cases below are truly Independent studies. We had no input whatsoever in administering or financing any of the results you see below.


Drone Sampling with HydraSleeve , March 17, 2020

Golder Associates tested what they call the Matrice-HydraSleeve method of sampling from pit lakes.

Used standard Surface Water Adapter (SWA) with a SuperSleeve HydraSleeve mounted on a Matrice 600 drone.

Successfully sampled 10 pit lakes in 4 USA states collecting 81 depth-specific samples.

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HydraSleeve testing OAS Pond, September 6, 2019

The Department of the Interior tested the HydraSleeve Drone Cone in a pond in Boise, Idaho.

They repeatedly successfully sampled via drone and the new assembly.

Since then, the DOI has approved the new Drone Cone assembly for surface water sampling.

Watch the video...

The HydraSleeve...typically produced the best results

"The HydraSleeve was substantially less expensive"

"The HydraSleeve was simpler to deploy and retrieve, and permits a larger volume of water to be collected."

"Results Report for the Demonstration of No-Purge Groundwater Sampling Devices at Former McClellen Air Force Base California" October, 2005

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The Department of Energy's Office of Environmental Management uses the HydraSleeve to sample 230 wells at their Savannah River Site.

  • EM expects to save over $2.5 million over the life of the site's groundwater sampling program.
  • Saves time over traditional purge methods of sampling.
  • Complicated equipment is unnecessary.

"The Hydrasleeve...allows remediation engineers to monitor for contaminants...without purging, a time-consuming practice of removing water that often must be disposed as hazardous or radioactive waste."

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USGS Compares No-Purge and Pumped Sampling Methods for Monitoring Concentrations of Ordnance-Related Compounds in Groundwater.

  • Hydrasleeves provide comparable data to low-flow pumping for explosive analysis
  • HydraSleeve provided largest sample volume of no-purge samplers tested
  • HydraSleeves found to be the easiest of the no-purge methods used in this study

"Comparison of No-Purge and Pumped Sampling Methods for Monitoring Concentrations of Ordnance- Related Compounds in Groundwater, Camp Edwards, Massachusetts Military Reservation, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2009–2010" September 2012

view the full report...

For specific information about the HydraSleeve, see pages 1, 8, 14, and 20.


Concentration Comparison of Selected Constituents between Groundwater Samples Collected within the Missouri River Alluvial Aquifer using Purge and Pump and Grab-Sampling Methods, near the City of Independence, Missouri, 2013

This study includes agricultural nutrients sampled with the HydraSleeve as well as numerous other parameters.  The takeaway is that HydraSleeve can work to replace the current sampling method (volume purging) except for sample volume needed for duplicates samples.  The wells are all 2-inch diameter with 5-foot screen intervals, limiting sample volume available for no-purge sampling.  The laboratory required 2-liters of sample for duplicate analysis. The investigators are planning to either reduce the number of parameters analyzed or reduce the analytical volume requirements for duplicate samples during the next phase of the study.

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Collecting a sample with the HydraSleeve is a simple, one-man operation

  • provides samples for all analytical parameters
  • effective in low yield wells
  • allows rapid installation and sample collection
  • easy to use, one-person operation

"ITRC Technology Overview" March, 2006

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No-purge Sampling More Cost Effective for Deep-Well Sampling 

  • First international study (Belgium) of no-purge sampling including the HydraSleeve
  • No-purge sampling is more cost effective than purge sampling

"Comparison of purge and no-purge sampling strategies for deep groundwater" July, 2011

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The HydraSleeve is very quick and easy to use

  • The use of the HydraSleeve following a standard procedure should produce highly accurate and reproducible data at both clean and contaminated water sites.
  • The HydraSleeve should be seriously considered for use on all future groundwater sampling projects where appropriate.

"Evaluation of the Use of the HydraSleeve on DWR Projects" December 2007

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National Defense Center for Energy and the Environment (NDCEE) compares no-purge sampling to low-flow sampling.

  • Studied whether no-purge sampling devices can provide technically defensible analytical data for chemical contaminants
  • Compared to low flow sampling with emphasis on the utility, comparability cost effectiveness

"Novel In Situ Extraction Technologies for Contaminants in Groundwater" May, 2012

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Use of no-purge sampling device has made sampling safer

  • Use of no-purge sampling device has made it safer for technicians to collect the necessary samples with no impact to the quality of the data.
  • In addition, an increased concern for safety does not have to lead to an increase in cost.

"Sampling Techniques to Eliminate Health and Safety Concerns and Reduce Costs" 2008

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Converting to a passive sampling method (HydraSleeve) from conventional methods could produce cost savings of up to $9 million over 20 year period

  • 58% Reduction in CO2
  • 99.8% Reduction in Wastewater

"Comparing a Passive Sampling Method to a Conventional Sampling Method for Long-term Monitoring at Hill AFB, Utah" May, 2010

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HydraSleeve estimated to reduce sampling and analysis costs by 50%

  • Reduces sampling labor costs by 50%
  • Eliminates need for decontamination
  • Eliminates need for rinsate QC samples
  • Accelerated schedule reduces trip blanks

"HydraSleeve Sampler: Sampling Methodology to Reduce Cost and Improve Efficiency" July, 2009

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Saving Time and Money

"HydraSleeves reduce cost as there is no expensive equipment used, virtually no waste is generated and the technicians can collect a sample in less than half the time of low-flow techniques."

"Saving Time and Money with Passive (no-purge) Sampling" 2007

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Zero-purge sampling offers a number of distinct advantages

  • The method does not require an electric power source and submersible pumps.
  • Less labor is required relative to conventional methods. Zero-purge sampling, requires approximately 20 minutes per well as compared to approximately 45 minutes per well for low-flow sampling.

"Zero-Purge Groundwater Sampling for SVOCs" June, 2002

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VOC results for samples collected using zero-purge techniques were higher

  • On average, zero-purge total metals results exceed the corresponding low-flow dissolved metals results by 108%.
  • On average, the zero-purge dissolved metals results were 19% higher than the corresponding results for samples collected via low-flow methods.

"Zero-Purge Groundwater Sampling for VOCs" June, 2002

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HydraSleeve pilot study for Stringfellow superfund site

  • The HydraSleeves provide similar results as samples collected using traditional purge and sample methods

"Passive Sampling Pilot Study Report, Stringfellow Hazardous Waste Site" July, 2009

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view the appendices...


HydraSleeve results in decreased field labor and project management costs

  • Best possible solution to the client
  • HydraSleeve technology has proven to be the RIGHT solution!

"Discrete Depth Sampling: Impact of the Right Solution" February, 2009

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Praise for HydraSleeve