Save time and money on your projects with passive groundwater sampling from EON
Simplifying Groundwater Monitoring
You’ve got an important job to do for your clients. They are relying on you to accurately monitor the groundwater at their regulated sites. The procedures, equipment, and purge water associated with pumping or bailing lead to labor-intensive and time-consuming field processes that make your job harder and more costly.
What if there was an easier way?
Efficient and Reliable Groundwater Sampling
EON Products is a pioneer and industry leader in passive groundwater samplers designed to make your job easier, more efficient, and cost-effective. Our technology simplifies the sampling process, ensuring reliable data collection with minimal time and effort.
Get the same reliable data you rely on with less strain on your resources.
Why Choose Passive Sampling with EON?
Ready to Transform Your Groundwater Monitoring Process?
Discover how EON Products can simplify your groundwater monitoring process. Contact us now for a consultation or to talk about your project.
How Much Could You Be Saving?
Try our cost comparison calculator and find out exactly how much you can save by using passive sampling in place of your current method.

HydraSleeves have helped our client save thousands! We were renting lots of equipment every quarter to pump wells that were 300’ or deeper costing time, money, and man power to collect a sample. Before, we had 3-4 people, 2 trucks, a generator, 2 pumps, and lots of wiring, tubing, and hours devoted to each well not to mention the decontamination procedures after each sample was collected. Now, we drive to a site with a 2 man crew and can grab a sample in a matter of minutes. We can get all of our wells sampled in one day as opposed to 4 or 5!
Lindsay Daugherty
Hatch Mott MacDonald
Waynesburg, PA
We have completed the project and were very happy with the Hydrasleeve sampler. It was very easy to deploy and retrieve samples and the sample volume was adequate to analyze for SVOCs and Metals. The sampler cut sampling time by about 80% (about 15 minutes per sample.
The comparison of the analytical results between analytical results of our Hydrasleeve samples and low-flow samples were comparable.
Bob Onderko
San Antonio, TX
The time and cost savings with Hydrasleeves is phenomenal. You have to remember you are eliminating the cost of purge water disposal and all the hassle that entails. The advantage in time and effort versus bailing tens of gallons from a 200 feet deep well doesn't need explaining. The fact that more and more regulatory agencies are accepting this technique is a clear indicator that this is actually a superior sampling method to the antiquated bailing method and at least as good as if not better than low flow sampling.
Paul Sedory P.E.
Huff & Huff, Inc.
Oak Brook, IL
Businesses that Trust EON’s Passive Samplers

Eon Products News and Resources
Passive groundwater sampling is growing in popularity due to its many advantages over traditional methods like pump-and-purge or low-flow sampling. Despite the
The ability to accurately interpret the results of groundwater tests is essential for making informed decisions that protect our environment and
Groundwater monitoring is a critical aspect of environmental assessment, resource management, and contamination cleanup efforts. Accurate data analysis not only informs
In environmental monitoring, selecting the best sampling equipment is crucial to your project’s success. If you are considering improving the sampling
Passive groundwater sampling is an increasingly popular sampling method. Many firms are adopting passive sampling over traditional methods because of the
More than 25 years ago Passive Diffusion Bags (PDBs) were introduced as a more streamlined, cost-effective solution for sampling for Volatile
Whether you are assessing a site to understand potential contamination, watching for long-term changes, or evaluating the effectiveness of remediation efforts