Custom Suspension Tether Preparation Service

EON’s custom suspension tether preparation service can save you even more time sampling each well while ensuring an accurate, repeatable sampling process. EON will use your site’s well construction data to construct cut-to-length suspension tethers for each individual well so that all you need to do on each sampling event is connect your samplers to the pre-set attachment points.

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Benefits of EON’s Tether Preparation Service

Eliminate time on site spent measuring and preparing the tethers for each well

Work with EON’s experts to plan proper sampling depths within each well screen to ensure representative results

Ensure repeatable sampling depths for all future events

How Does it Work?

EON uses well construction details and sample interval information, provided by the project consultant, to configure re-usable custom suspension tethers. The tethers exactly fit the well and provide for easily attaching and lowering passive samplers into the exact sampling location:

1. Simply unwrap the new tether

2. Match the ID tag on the tether to the well

3. Start spooling the tether down the well

4. Attach the sampler(s) to the attachment rings on the tether using zip ties

5. Secure the locking cap to the well head.

Each sampler location has attachment rings embedded in the tether to which the sampler is zip-tied. The top of the tether is attached to the bottom of the locking well cap. Our suspension tethers for passive water samplers are custom fabricated exactly to individual well specifications, allowing quick, easy, and inexpensive out-of-the-box installation.