Calibration Gas


EON provides high-quality Calibration Gas for calibrating and checking air and gas testing meters. We selected and stock the most common gas combinations to match the meters we sell. You may also order other gasses and custom blends compatible with other meters. Gas is available in several commonly sized disposable cylinders. Cylinders are made of steel or aluminum, depending on the gas’s reactivity.

Gas Cylinder Recycle Programs

EON supports recycling and promotes the EcoCylinder program. Buy calibration gas in special, recycle-able gas cylinders and when the cylinder is empty, send it back with the prepaid mailing label provided. Order & receive your next full cylinder of gas at a reduced price without a cylinder charge.

Pressure & Flow Regulators

Gas cylinders require a pressure or flow regulator to operate. A regulator is a valve device that screws on top of the cylinder, can be turned on or off to release the gas and controls the pressure or flow of gas coming from the meter. Regulators have different thread patterns to match specific cylinder sizes and they are available in different pressure or flow rates and therefore must be selected to match the cylinder and the pressure or flow required. 

Calibration Kits

Some instruments have Calibration Kits available which includes; a cylinder of gas, regulator, and the tubing and accessories needed for calibration, all packaged in a carry case.