The Ultimate Guide to Passive Groundwater Sampling

Passive groundwater sampling is vastly improving the way companies run groundwater monitoring projects. It’s been shown to dramatically reduce field time, save upwards of 50-75% of costs, and deliver consistently reliable data.

Since its introduction 25 years ago, passive groundwater sampling has continued to grow in popularity and is regularly accepted by regulators on projects nation-wide.

This guide to passive groundwater sampling will provide you with the information you need to evaluate the benefits that passive groundwater sampling can bring to your projects. We’ll explore the basics of how this sampling technique works, the different types of equipment used in passive sampling, how it compares to more traditional methods, share best practices for implementation and data analysis and management.


The Basics of Passive Groundwater Sampling

Find out how passive groundwater sampling works. Compare and contrast different methods. Explore the benefits of passive sampling in terms of time and cost savings, data analysis, staff impact, and more.

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Types of Passive Groundwater Sampling Devices

Explore the different types of passive groundwater sampling and the various equipment used.

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Best Practices for Passive Groundwater Sampling

How do you assess what sites are best suited for passive sampling? Which type of passive sampling is right for your project? How do you properly implement passive sampling for the biggest benefit? Can passive groundwater sampling work with other methods? Get all these questions answered and set yourself up for success on your next groundwater monitoring project.

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Analyzing and Interpreting Groundwater Data

It all comes down to the data. Find out how passive sampling data stacks up to other methods and what elements passive sampling is best suited to detect and monitor.


Ready to Transform Your Groundwater Monitoring Process?

Discover how EON Products can simplify your groundwater monitoring process. Contact us now for a consultation or to talk about your project.