Hand Auger Components – Round Connection


Our high-quality Hand Augers are designed to field assembled using components that easily and securely fit together to make a sampling tool of the type and length needed for the job

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All components are available with three distinct types of connections for user preference. The components below are manufactured with the ROUND slip connection.

The Round slip connection offers ease and quickness of assembly for light to medium duty applications.

The ROUND male end fits into a larger diameter ROUND female and a solid pin is inserted from the side through both parts. The pin keeps the parts together during rotation and in the vertical directions.

A complete Hand Auger assembly consists of:

  • An Auger Head or "Buckets" advance the boring by cutting into the soil and holding the loose material for removal. Several bucket designed accommodate different soil types.
  • One or more Extension Rods are lengths of plated or stainless steel rigid rods that connect the top of the Auger Head to the handle. Depth is achieved by adding rods, one at a time as the borehole is advanced.
  • A Tee Handle, which is attached to the top of the uppermost Extension Rod, is used to rotate and apply downward pressure to the entire assembly for cutting into the soil.